Good Morning Bessborough!
We have a few items this week:
- As part of our Home and School (friends of the Bengals) startup process, here are a few volunteering opportunities coming up at Bessborough School:
- Lost and found (once per week)
- Breakfast club (daily)
- Healthy snacks (daily)
- Library:
- Book Fair Helper
- Library Helper (including French reading)
- Hot lunch (looking at starting something small this school year).
- General help around the school (small school improvement projects)
- Chess Club Volunteer (potential).
- Little Free Libraries (book boxes) around Bessborough.
You can reply to this message if you would like to know more about any of these opportunities!
Also, Here is where you can go if you would like to start the volunteer certification process: The process can take a few weeks.
- We are happy to support students who are observing Ramadan this month. We know it is a time of reflection and celebration in the Islamic culture- we also know that families may choose to observe this month in a variety of ways. For students who are fasting and/or praying, we have set aside room 208 as a place where they can go during food times at school. If there is any way we can support your children further during this month, please feel free to reach out to their classroom teacher and/or the cultural support teacher
- The Great Big Crunch was a great success at Bessborough School! Every student got an apple, and we all took one big bite of our apples at 11AM! We took the opportunity to talk about healthy foods this week at school (and to tell apple-themed jokes and puns over the announcements!).
Our next no-school day is March 28th (Parent-teacher interviews). Parent-teacher interviews will be booked on March 27th (4-6 PM) and March 28th (8:30-11:30 am). You will receive a message from homeroom teachers with more information 😊 Also, here is a link to the ASDE school calendar:
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