We have a few items this week at Bessborough School:

  • This is a repeat message:
    • As part of our Home and School (Friends of the Bengals) startup process, we will be sharing more and more volunteering opportunities at Bessborough. Here is where you can go if you would like to start the volunteer certification process: https://asdeast.nbed.ca/volunteer-in-a-school/ The process can take a few weeks. More volunteering information coming soon!
  • It’s finally getting warmer! (Positive numbers this week!)  We still encourage all students to come fully prepared for the conditions. We are outside during morning/recess/lunch recess if the wind chill doesn’t reach minus 20 degrees Celsius or less.  We have extra hats, mitts, and jackets and can share daily in room 208 (next to the office).
  • March Break is almost here! The school will be closed for the week of March 3rd to March 7th, 2024. We will be back at school on March 10th, 2025. Also, here is a link to the ASDE school calendar: https://asdeast.nbed.ca/calendar/

Have a great week!



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