Bessborough School

Grades | Language(s) | No. of Students |
Kindergarten, 1-5 | English French Immersion | 440 |
School Hours:
Kindergarten-5: 08:10 - 14:30
Lunch Break:
Kindergarten-5: -
93 Bessborough Avenue
Moncton, New Brunswick
E1E 1P6
School District:
Anglophone East School District
East Boundary streets are and Include: Main St (Until Vaughan Harvey), Westmount Blvd., Mount Royal Blvd (Up to Corner of St. George).
North Boundary: Below Berry Mills, Including Centennial Place to the north of St. George Blvd.
South Boundary: Both sides of Main Street from causeway traffic circle to Jones Lake (Including Westmount Blvd) and streets South of Main St. Russell, Bishop, MacWilliam, Willow, Prince, Fownes, Stewart and Tannery.
West Boundary: Beyond Traffic Circle, Including Salisbury rd (Including all roads off Salisbury on both sides of road), Route 106 until and Including Thompson Rd. (2357 Route 106), Excluding Lower Mountain Rd.