Our Family Literacy Lunch event is coming soon! Bessborough will be open from 11:40-12:20 PM for family reading. I attached the information sheet to this message. You can use the side parking lot door, or the Bessborough Avenue doors to come into the school. You can then meet students in their classroom. Also, here are a few items to consider:

  • We are having a picnic style of lunch. You can bring a blanket if you wish. Also, food items which students can hold easily while reading are the best! 
  • Teachers will be available to help and supervise the activity, but they will not be able to answer specific student questions (parent-teacher questions, academic concerns). You can always feel free to email homeroom teachers if you have questions or if you need to book a meeting.

If you have not been able to return the information sheet for the event, please reach out to the teacher to inform them of your choice. This will help us ensure that each student has someone available to read to them 😊



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