Latest News
We have a few items this week at Bessborough School: Have a great week!
Good afternoon! Our new Bessborough School store is online! You will also notice that our new school logo reflects our move to a K-5 School this year. 😊 Here is the link to access the newest clothing from Bessborough School: The store will be open until March 3rd (midnight). We should be receiving the clothing around the middle of March. We are now working with the company Pegasus. This company also works with Wabanaki School. We will be reopening the store at least one more time this school year. Happy shopping!
We have a few items this week at Bessborough School: Have a great first week of February!
Our Family Literacy Lunch event is coming soon! Bessborough will be open from 11:40-12:20 PM for family reading. I attached the information sheet to this message. You can use the side parking lot door, or the Bessborough Avenue doors to come into the school. You can then meet students in their classroom. Also, here are a few items to consider: If you have not been able to return the information sheet for the event, please reach out to the teacher to inform them of your choice. This will help us ensure that each student has someone available to read to them 😊
We have a few items this week at Bessborough School: It’s still cold (but should warm up this week!). We encourage all students to come fully prepared for the conditions. We are outside during morning/recess/lunch recess if the wind chill doesn’t reach minus 20 degrees Celsius or less. We have an array of extra hats, mittens, and jackets that we can share every day out of room 208 (next to the office). They are used once and then washed.
Bus Planner can help you find the school that your student should attend based on your municipal address.
You can also sign up for school closure and bus delay notifications that will be emailed directly to you.
Mathieu Basque | Principal | 506-856-3404 | |
Kevin Williams | Vice-Principal | 506-856-3404 | |
Donna Lewis | Administrative Assistant | 506-856-3404 | |
Jessica Asselstine | Administrative Assistant | 506-856-3404 | |